Friday, December 19, 2008

The Christmas Story as Told by Emma-Caroline

Today was Emma-Caroline's last day of preschool before Christmas. When I picked her up today I received a beautifully hand-made nativity and a special story to go along with it. As we drove home in the car our conversation went as follows:

EC: Mommy, did you know that Jesus was born in a stable because there was no room at the inn?

Me: Yes, I did know that.

EC: Well, did you know that an angel came to Mary and told her she was going to have a baby?

Me: He did?

EC: Yes, and then when the baby was going to be born all the shepherds had to go pay their taxes, even Mary and Joseph.

Me: What are taxes?

EC: Something you have to give money for, I think, like candy at Target.

Me: You're right.

EC: Well, Mary had to ride a donkey to go and pay taxes because there were no cars or bikes for them to ride on.

Me: That must have been a long ride.

EC: Yeah it was. And then when they got there, they had to stay in a manger with all the animals.

Me: Well, what is a manger?

EC: Umm, it's a place where animals stay, not a hotel like the one we stayed at in New York. They don't let animals in a hotel.

Me: Oh, I see.

EC: And then the baby Jesus was born and the angels and shepherds and wise men all came to see him.

Me: They must have been so happy.

EC: Yes, they were. And the shepherds names were Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. And that's the end.

So now you know the Christmas Story and the names of the shepherds according to Emma-Caroline.

1 comment:

Brenda Ledbetter said...

That is a sweet story told by Emma-Caroline. She has learned very much for her age. How sweet. That is awesome that she has the Christmas Story in her mind at such a young age.

Aunt Brenda


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