Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sophie's First Day of School

Today Sophie started preschool at Sacred Heart with Miss Danielle . She went in with no problem as if she had been going to school forever, and was more interested in the toys than taking a picture. She didn't cry, kick, scream, or cling to my leg with super human strength. Much different than Emma Caroline who, incidentally, cried and clung to my leg with super human strength when I took her to her own three year old classroom this morning. Such is the difference in siblings. We'll see how it goes. Sophie will be attending on Wednesdays, while Emma Caroline attends MWF. Hopefully Sophie will continue to have as much enthusiasm for school as she did today.


Brenda Ledbetter said...

Sophie is so cute!!! I know that was such a great leap for her. I think she is ready to be a big girl. I am surprised how younger siblings like to measure up with the older ones. That is how Bryce was. He just couldn't wait to be like his older brothers and was always so competitive. Al on the other hand was much different when it came to school or being competitive. I had to coax him out every day. He was very smart though...just enjoyed the home life and still does. Bryce is such an explorer though. It is awesome the individuality of our children.
Thanks for sharing this with us and the pictures are awesome.

Love Always,
Aunt Brenda

rhonda said...
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rhonda said...

I think sophie looks adorable in the picture. I know that she will love going and will look forward to all the new experiences it will bring her. This shows you how your two girls personalities are different emma carolines first day of school was totally different.


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