Friday, August 8, 2008

Ten Years and Counting

It's hard to believe that Howie and I have been married now for ten years. We celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary on May 23, 2008 and went on a trip to Ashville, NC, without the girls! It was a wonderful celebration weekend and we even witnessed another couple starting their marriage journey together while we there at the Grove Park Inn. Ten years. It sure goes by fast, but we have so many beautiful memories. As I look at our wedding picture, I see not only the man I married, but my best friend. He is a wonderful father to our children and a good friend to all. I love Howie with all my heart and I look forward to many more beautiful years and memories to come.


Amanda said...

Happy late Anniversary! Your wedding picture is beautiful!

Brenda Ledbetter said...

Hello Amy and Howie: Happy Anniversary. I am not sure if I expressed that to you. Your wedding picture is so nice. I also fondly remember being there and what a beautiful event it was. God Bless You and Howie for what you have accomplished through the 10 years and the beautiful two daughters you have brought into the world. Thanks for being such a special family and the awesome work you two have put into it making it a success.

Love Always,
Aunt Brenda


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