Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Emma Caroline's Bow

All of you know that a bow is a permanent fixture on Emma Caroline and Sophie's heads. We wear them for everything even to sleep and swim in. A little much, maybe, but we do love our bows around here. Anyway, this morning, we were picking out a bow to match Emma Caroline's outfit and here's the conversation that followed:
Mommy: What color bow do you think will match your outfit today?

Emma Caroline: How about a pink one?

Mommy: What about a hot pink bow?

Emma Caroline: OK, but make sure you blow on it first.

Mommy: Why?

Emma Caroline: Because I don't want it to burn my hair!

Don't you just love a three year old's reasoning and sense of humor!

1 comment:

Brenda Ledbetter said...

That is so funny, Emma-Caroline thinking the bow was really hot. Children in the early years of life are awesome, the things they think and reason about. I remember when Al was only 3 years old and I was down cleaning out a cabinet out with my back to him and he said look mommie, and I couldn't look then and he said it again, and I said I see you, I really could out of the corner of my eye, but he started parting my hair on the back of my head saying where are your eyes. I thought that was so funny. I never tried to outsmart him again. Kids are awesome.

Aunt Brenda


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