Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hard Knocks!

Well, it has happened. The thing any photographer fears most. The thing that almost renders your heart to stop when it all transpires in fast slow motion. NOOOOOOOOOO! It just couldn't be! But it happened. I was doing a documentary photo shoot last Friday evening for our church's Family Camp Night. I headed across the grassy knoll (and yes it is referred to as that) to the fire pit when I hit a hidden sink hole. My ankle went in and I instantly went flying into the parking lot. That would have been enough to ruin my evening with my skirt over my head and a blooded kneecap, but the woe of all woes was my camera hitting the asphalt, popping the lens cap off and BUSTING MY TAMRON 18-270mm LENS! (Imagine a hand to the head in full swoon Scarlett O'Hara style as I say) Oh woe is me! My favorite lens! Why couldn't it have been one of my other lenes that is more easily replaceable than my Tamron lens. In reality, although I am not happy that my lens received a few hard knocks I am hopeful that it will be able to be repaired with new casing and perhaps recalibration (it shakes horribly now and the image is blurred after each shot). And as my friend Jennifer put into perspective with her three month old baby girl in arms, at least I wasn't holding a baby when I fell. No kidding! Until my lens is hopefully repaired, I am making use of my prime lens and just rolling with the punches. ;-)

1 comment:

Sarah Harper said...

OOOOUUCCHHHHH!!!!! I'm sorry, Amy. It hurts me to look at this. Must. avert. eyes.....


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