Friday, August 26, 2011

Tennis for Two

As the school year has started back up, I have resisted the urgency to put Emma-Caroline and Sophie in 1009 activities that fill up the entire week and leave them with no real "kid" time. It's a hard thing to do. With the new school year, the girls are also continuing with ballet and tap, which they love. Emma-Caroline has become a member of our church choir, so there will be those practices. She is also a Girl Scout so there will be those meetings. We also have another church activity that the girls participate in on Tuesday afternoon, and they wanted to do soccer, and art lessons, and tennis, and ice skating lessons, and, and, and . . . . Whoa, now here we go again!  I want my girls to have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities, but I want them to do those thing because they want to do them not because we want them to do them. The other hard part is that they may want to do everything, and we need to create the balance for them because they are too young to actually do so now. And let's face it, sometimes as an adult, we have a hard time balancing all of our own activities. In any of these activities, above all, we want the girls to enjoy what they are doing, to learn something from what they are doing, to not feel stressed, and ultimately to be happy with who they are in each of the activities they participate in. So we picked one other thing, tennis, for the girls to participate in on Tuesday. And that's it. It's enough. If they like tennis, they will continue. This is Emma-Caroline's second set of real lessons and she seems to like it and to be getting the hang of it. For Sophie, we are simply just letting her hit the ball along with big sister, and if she learns something, then it's icing on the cake. Ultimately, the girls are enjoying their tennis lessons and that is all that really matters.


paige said...

i wish my girls had stuck with tennis.
it seems like in our community kids specialize early in one sport and have multiple days of practice.
your girls are too cute on the court :)

MaryBeth said...

How cute! Luke won't be able to play any "contact" sports until spring time--1 year after the broken leg. I am sort of enjoying the freedom of being able to come home in the afternoons and just play, but I think Luke definitely misses it.

Amanda said...

Evan is begging for tennis. He, too, wants to do everything!


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