Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hoppy Saturday!

I have this thing about going to the mall every Easter as well as Christmas and having the girls photos taken with the very same Bunny or Santa depending on the season. I buy the package of photos and every year, at the appropriate season, I pull out all of those photos and set them up for us all to look at and remember how much we liked or didn't like Mr. Bunny at the time. It's a nice way of chronicling my girls' growth and actually something that I look forward to each year as the seasons approach
 This morning we added a little something to our traditional visit to the mall Easter Bunny;  a stop at Bravo Italian restaurant to have breakfast with Mr. Bunny's Brother, Butterscotch. Our Mall Mr. Bunny is Peter Cottontail and is quite the busy fellow, so his brother Butterscotch happily obliged us with a fantastic breakfast.
 We then headed over to the mall for our traditional photo op with Mr. Cottontail. The girls love to see their fuzzy little, or not so little, friend. We are now ready to hunt eggs next Saturday when all of the Easter egg hunts begin!
Hope everyone has a very Hoppy Easter!


nancy said...

Hoppy Easter to you all, too! Oh, how cute they look this year, and I think Butterscotch is a real dandy! I know you're having a great day!!!

MaryBeth said...

Your girls are beautiful!

Brenda Ledbetter said...

Happy Easter. The pictures are so pretty and colorful and so much fun to look at. I have vivid memories of our Easter Holidays. Mama would always dress us up so cute for Easter and we would always celebrate the wonderful time as a family together. I am so happy you have carried it on with your precious family.
Happy Easter to you all,
Aunt Brenda - Memphis, TN

Elizabeth Ann said...



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