Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Sweet 16!

Today is the actual birthday of a very special somebody in the Avery House. In actuality, this special someone preceded the Avery House beginnings by two years. I am referring to this special young lady below, Lucy, our Adopt-A-Pet Cocker Spaniel.
 For the past 16 years, Lucy has been my constant companion from my final days in undergrad and grad school when I would sometimes carry her in my back pack to class, to living briefly in the dorms, to planning a wedding, to getting married and moving to Phoenix, Arizona, Salem, Oregon, Austin, Texas, and back to Knoxville in the course of a five year span. She is a barker amd loves to let EVERYONE know she is the alpha dog. We love our dear Lucy and feel blessed to have had her in our lives over the past 16 years. She is still very spry even at a mature age and we hope to celebrate may more birthdays with her. Happy Birthday Lucy! We love you!


nancy said...

rSorry I didn't see this yesterday, but I will leave my comment today for my "Sweet Lucy". Happy Birthday, and I wish you many more happy birthdays. Thank you for always making me feel welcome when I come for a visit!


{A*very} Blessed Life said...

ydejsdmgfustgfhnewyfurdgbxnmfdgfvjud cbgvchjhfdjt ydgcnb vc gfdkvncdbh xyfcxhg fdufdg fd ufdygffgdlyugf huigdfhuifh gfuigfdhiofdh gfd love,



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