Friday, March 11, 2011

The Aviary House

Many of you know that we lost our dove Paulo, who had been our beloved pet for ten years in the Avery House just after Easter 2010. We were all very sad to lose Paulo. He was a delightful and loving pet whom I had inherited from another teacher when I taught kindergarten in Austin, Texas. He had moved with us when we came back to Knoxville and had spent many years as my classroom pet while I was still teaching.
 He brought much happiness and peace not only to our family, but also to many others including my students who still ask about him to this day.
After our quickly failed attempt to have fish, I decided that we would go ahead and get another bird instead. After all, we knew how to care for a bird and what to expect, and Emma-Caroline and Sophie really loved having Paulo. I had always wanted a canary, but after investigating further, I found out that a canary is not really a very sociable pet to humans. Paulo had always been so loving and was quite the friend to Emma-Caroline.
The pet store does not sell ring-neck doves like Paulo, but does sell diamond doves, a smaller sweet little dove with a pretty coo. There were two, so we decided to bring both home. Emma-Caroline named one Gracie because of her gray feathers, and I chose the name George for the other in honor of George Burns and Gracie Allen.
This is George.
And this is Gracie.
We have really enjoyed them in the few days that they have been in the Avery House. They are sweet and social and actually a lot less work than Paulo was. Paulo was twice their size so he was quite the messy bird. These little feathered friends, on the other hand, are very neat in their eating. I love the sound of their coo which is different than Paulo's coo, but still soothing. They have made a great new addition to our family and we are happy to once again have an Aviary House in the Avery House.


Lana Kim White Austin said...

Ohhhh....I adore the new birds!!! George & Gracie--too funny!

When I was in 8th grade there was an injured baby dove in our yard. We spent months nursing him back to health and even when he flew away he never really left! It was a joy!

How are you doing?!?!?!

We're hanging in there here. Went to Rome for Kate's birthday and are hopefully moving into the house next week. Having some joint trouble, but that's to be expected. Still joyful nonetheless!!!!

PS I love the AVIARY house play on words!

Nancy said...

Amy - I am so glad that you got two little doves. They are so adorable, and I love their orange eyes and soft gray feathers. I think their new names are perfect, and I can't wait to see them and hear them cooing.

KimberFNP said...

They are beautiful! I have doves that sit on my deck outside the kitchen window, very entertaining little creatures.

Brenda Ledbetter said...

I love Doves, I think they are the sweetest birds on earth, I think they are a symbol of love. I am sure you will have many years of enjoyment with these beautiful little ones. I can't wait to see them in real life. I like the name you gave them, that is special.

Aunt Brenda - Memphis, TN :)

patty said...

I lived just north of Austin for 3 years, in Copperas Cove, from 97-2000, just before we moved here... I didn't know that about you!
I especially love that second shot... so sweet, really. And welcome to your new pets!


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