Friday, July 31, 2009

Little Miss Sassy!

Sophie went for her 2 year old check up today which went very well. She weighed in at a whopping 22lbs and measured 31 and a half inches tall. That puts her at 4% for weight and 20% for height on the national growth chart. As you know, she has always been on the small side, but has followed a steady curve, so she is as healthy as can be. She also had her iron levels tested and as stated by Dr. Shults, "Sophie has completely turned around" and is no longer anemic.Yay! I'm so glad the feeding classes as well as my sneakiness at hiding veggies in her food has paid off. When she had her finger pricked and blood drawn for the sample, she sat as calm as could be and said, "Wook mommy, my finga red!" Pretty brave little bit. Oh, and I titled this post, "Little Miss Sassy" because she refers to herself as "Sassy" when you ask her what her name is. Sophie is a sassy little sweet girl and we are so happy she had such a good doctor's visit!


Anonymous said...

She's braver then me.

Brenda Ledbetter said...

Sophie is so cute. She is a very healthy and fine looking little child. She is so sweet in everyway possible. I am so glad that all went well with the appointment.

You and Howie are doing a great job as parents!!! God Bless You Both and the Children also.

Aunt Brenda


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