Friday, March 6, 2009

Have You Seen My Lost Sock?

OK, so I know this is probably a mundane post . . . but I am asking . . . Have you seen my lost sock? I mean seriously. Where do all the socks that I know I put into the washing machine with their matching sock mates go to by the time I get them out of the dryer to fold. Is there a magic door in my washing machine or dryer that I don't know about where all rogue socks go when they want to go A-wall. Or is there a famous "Sock Party" that my socks just can't tear themselves away from by the time the dryer cycle is over. It's something that I am seriously wanting to know the answer to. Where do all the socks go? Howie is convinced that I have some how lost them in my trek from the dirty clothes hamper to the washer. And all I have to say to that is "WHATEVER!" I know I am not the only one this happens to. So what is it? Maybe it's some sock conspiracy that the Sock companies have in order for all of us to have to buy more socks. Who knows. The only thing I know for sure is that this little phenomenon is MADDENING to say the least. But alas, the saga will continue! Let me know if you have any answers to the Sock Conspiracy.


MaryBeth said...

That's funny! I have a drawer that I put all of our unmatched socks in. Recently I decided to throw a bunch of them away. Wouldn't you know, the next day I found 2 of the socks that would have made a pair.

{A*very} Blessed Life said...

You're right MaryBeth! That's how it always is! I'll throw away some socks and then I'll find their mates soon after. It's a conspiracy I tell you! LOL

Sarah Harper said...

LOL! No doubt there is a great Sock Conspiracy! But why fight it? I stopped caring about wearing matching socks years ago ... and no one has noticed!

{A*very} Blessed Life said...

Unfortunately, Sarah, Howie notices if he has matching socks. Oh well! Off to buy more socks now!

Brenda Ledbetter said...

I thought I was the only one in the world that was loosing socks mysteriously. I was putting the blame on myself, but somehow in the back of my mind I did question "what is going on here". That is so funny. There must be something to it.

Aunt Brenda

Brenda Ledbetter said...

I thought I was the only one in the world mysteriously loosing socks. Wow, there must be something to it,
That is so funny....


Aunt Brenda

{A*very} Blessed Life said...

So FUNNY. I thought our socks would get lost in the washer and dryer.

Emma-Caroline Avery


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