Thursday, August 28, 2008

Popsicles for Breakfast

I often find that Emma Caroline unknowingly imparts wisdom way beyond her three years of age. I'm sure many of you find that to be true in your own children. This morning, after eating cereal, waffles, yogurt and bananas, Emma Caroline asked if she could also have a Popsicle for breakfast. Immediately I replied, "No sweetie. We don't eat Popsicles for breakfast." To which she replied, "Why not?" Great question! Why can't we eat Popsicles for breakfast. Who made the rule that we can only eat Popsicles when it's hot outside and when we are sitting under the shade of a tall tree. I like that Emma Caroline thinks outside the box. That's one of the things we all want to encourage our children to do. Soooo . . . we had Popsicles for breakfast, including me. And they were delicious!


Howie said...
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Brenda Ledbetter said...

I believe that Emma Caroline is such a perceptive and innovative little girl. I can see that she thinks outside of the box so many times. I am amazed at how she has grown to be such a smart and beautiful little girl. Popsicles for breakfast!!!, why not!!! Most now days are filled with all sorts of things that are good for you and they are a fun way to get it down and a cool way when it is so hot. Here's one for Emma-Caroline, thumbs up from me....

Love always,
Aunt Brenda


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