Saturday, June 9, 2012

St. Agnes Academy Class of 1992

 I know people say it all the time, but wow, time sure does pass by quickly. I am amazed that it has actually been 20 years since I graduated from high school in Memphis, TN. It has been longer that I was old when I received my diploma for completing the 13 years required of me to attend school. I felt so grown up at 18, ready to begin my life in college and then go on to have a career and a family. Looking back over the past 20 years doesn't seem like what 20 years is supposed to feel like. At 18, 20 years was a LONG LONG time.
  Now, 20 years is a blink of an eye with lots of wonderful things that make me happy. I attended my high school. St. Agnes Academy's 20 year reunion and enjoyed showing Emma-Caroline, Sophie and Howie the school I attended as well as introducing them to my high school friends. It was wonderful seeing everyone and I would say we loom better 20 years later than we did at 18! I lookforward to enjoying my next 5, 10, 15, 20 year reunions and looking back over the wonderful years in between.
 This was a Walnut Grove when I attended St. Agnes. Now it is the newest addition to this wonderful school.
 The front entrance circle drive.
 My composit photo. Where was Juvexin 20 years ago. Michelle was a wonderful friend whom we lost too soon to a car accident. We will always remeber you Michelle!

 My bff Jessica!

 Jessica's boys and my girls stair stepped in age, 8, 7, 6, 5.
Awesome friends from SAA!

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